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​"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
​Infant/Toddler 0-23 months (Red Room)


Our infant/toddler program is designed to develop and reinforce each childs individuality. Children participate in sensory-based learning experiences, while receiving positive, nurturing guidance.

At Helping Hands, we know children are constantly learning through observation. Within our infant/toddler program, we provide fun activities that will help them build upon their cognitive, communication, emotional, fine motor, gross motor and social skills.

Activities in the infant/toddler classroom include:

Playing peek-a-boo, completing simple wooden puzzles, singing, exploring clay objects with their hands, practicing rolling over and tummy time and listening to music.

​2-Year Olds (Green Room)


Our two-year-old program is packed with carefully designed activities structured around enhancing your childs communication/language, social and emotional development, physical skills, cognitive development, math and science skills development. Children work on impulse control and self regulation  during morning circle time. When you begin working on potty training at home we will gladly follow through with helping your child become potty trained.

Activities in the 2 year old classroom include:

Choosing books from our library, and learning to identify and name different body parts, such as head, eyes, nose, mouth, arms, legs, hands, and feet. Counting and patterning skills are the focus of group activities involving movement, clapping, and identifying different body parts.

3-Year Olds (Orange Room)

Our three-year-old program focuses on your child’s primary areas of development: language arts and literacy, mathematics, science, social and emotional development, and gross and fine motor development. These are all part of the skills your child will learn and build upon at Helping Hands.

Activities in the three-year-old classroom include:

Recognizing print through learning center signs; dramatic play; practice counting beads or blocks; learning about people, plants and animals; participating in activities with their peers; practicing balance, jumping and throwing; and learn about patience.

​4-Year Olds/Preschool Class (Blue Room)

Preschoolers love to explore through hands on activities. They require challenges, respond to motivation, and crave encouragement. We will provide a balance of freedom and instruction to both engage and nurture your child. Our four-year-old program is designed  as a learning community, where your child not only builds skills vital to success in kindergarten, but also respect for others, and a strong confidence in him or herself. We offer activities that will develop literacy, mathmatical thinking,problem-solving, and creativity, focused on important foundational skills such as:

  • Pre-reading skills

  • Pre-writting such as fine motor activity

  • Pre-math skills

  • Physical coordination skills

  • Social skills such as focusing and collaborating

We focus on essential life skills such as communication and self-regulation. Children are routinely encouraged to:

Take on challenges

  • Develop their own learning goals

  • See situations from different perspectives

  • Make connections with one another

We also focus on early literacy skills. In-school and at-home activities are designed to improve your child's literacy and cognition in:

  • Vocabulary development: using language purposefully and precisely in thinking an communicating

  • Phonological awareness:hearing and manipulating groups of sounds (rhymes and syllables) in spoken language

  • Phonemic awareness: hearing, identifying, and manipulating single sounds in spoken words to recognize similarities and differences and how sounds relate to each other

  • Pring awareness: understanding the meaning of written language

  • Alphabet knowledge: recognizing that letters are their own unique symbols and each has its own name, sound, shape, and order within the alphabet


School Age (Yellow Room)

​The early elementary school years present children with educational and social challenges; challenges that can be easily faced with self-confidence and skill. At Helping Hands our school age program offers enrichment programs for before and after school, non school days, and summer care. We feature an environment that combines freedom and structure with the right mix to inspire the child while assuring your child’s safety, so important to you as a parent! We focus on goal setting and reflection, complimented by homework support, team-building opportunities, and physical activity. With a mix of independent and organized activities, education and recreation opportunities, our program offers an involving experience for all children, while giving order and routing to their day.

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